[gdal-dev] Unable to open KMZ datasource using libkml

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Apr 25 05:38:17 PDT 2024


you can try something kike ogrinfo /vsizip/your.kmz/your.kml


Le 25/04/2024 à 14:32, Johannes Paul via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hello,
> using GDAL 3.8.3 compiled with libkml, I'm unable to read a specific 
> KMZ file, using ogrinfo (error "unable to open datasource ...")
> However if I extract the .kml index file for the kmz archive, GDAL can 
> provide ogrinfo on this .kml index file.
> I noticed from the LIBKML driver documentation that GDAL will default 
> to look for a /doc.kml/ index file which is not the case here, so I 
> tried to rename my index file and I also tried to use 
> /--config LIBKML_USE_DOC.KML=NO/ without success.
> Any idea to get GDAL to read the kmz file without unarchiving the kml 
> index ?
> Thanks
> Johannes
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