[gdal-dev] Question about gdal-dev archive - searching for information on reading HDF, SAR_CEOS metadata

Scott public at postholer.com
Thu Aug 15 12:38:32 PDT 2024

Hey Shawn,

In google try something like:

hdf4 site:lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev

You may be able to narrow things down.

On 8/15/24 12:15, Fox, Shawn D (US) via gdal-dev wrote:
> Is there any way to search the archive?  So far, I have only found a way 
> to show the threads for a particular month/year, but I don’t see a way 
> to do a keyword search.  My team has recently tried to upgrade from a 
> very old version 1.10.0 to 3.4.2 and we can no longer successfully read 
> metadata from HDF4, HDF5, and CEOS_SAR files in the same way that we 
> could do so in the past.
> Has anyone on the list had a similar experience when upgrading?  The 
> driver and plugin pages for these data types has already been reviewed 
> and we could not find any information to explain what change I need to 
> make to read metadata again. I can provide more specifics but wanted to 
> know if anyone was willing to collaborate on that topic and share 
> information.
> Thanks,
> Shawn Fox
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