[gdal-dev] FileGDBs and FIDs of -21121

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Tue Aug 27 12:32:14 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I'm using a GDAL within MapServer to export features as a FileGDB. Using the following OUTPUTFORMAT:

        NAME "FileGDB"
        DRIVER "OGR/OpenFileGDB"
        MIMETYPE "application/x-ogc­filegdb"
        FORMATOPTION "STORAGE=filesystem"
        FORMATOPTION "FILENAME=result.gdb.zip"

I ran into an issue where a single feature Id is being set to NULL. After checking various database queries and configs it looks like the issue is when a feature id is -21121 and data exported to a FileGDB. When using GeoJSON the Id is returned correctly.

I searched in the GDAL codebase and found that this is a "magic" number: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AOSGeo%2Fgdal%20-21121&type=code

#define OGRUnsetMarker -21121

Is there any way round this other than using different Ids?



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