[gdal-dev] LIBERTIFF / Thread-safe TIFF reader

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Dec 19 09:13:59 PST 2024

> Without thinking too much:
>    You say '"port"' (in quotes), and I don't follow.  The new
>    implementation is a library, even if it does not have a .so.  So it
>    seems obvious that it would become a dependency of a particular gdal
>    driver and, of proj.  If that means adding a feature for proj that
>    gdal doesn't need, and one codebase, that's fine and the normal
>    approach.  If you mean "there are two live branches of libertiff",
>    that sounds like a bad idea.
No, vendor libertiff.hpp into PROJ as already done in GDAL. If someone 
wants to package libertiff as a standalone package, fine for them, but 
we're probably not at that point of success that we need to do it. I'm 
happy to resync libertiff_upstream/GDAL/PROJ libertiff.hpp when needed. 
Given its limited scope, it is probably close to be feature complete.
>    This doesn't read all tiff, and proj might be reading grid files that
>    the people who made them think are compliant, but that the new lib
>    won't read.
Yep, that's the main restriction. So this is a question for the 
community: does anyone use PROJ TIFF grids with a codec that is not 
uncompressed or deflate ?
>    Thus this is really a proposal to do two things:
>      - change the specification of proj  to read only a limited subset of
>        tiff
>      - change to a simpler implementation that still meets that new
>        specification
>    That raises the question of whether the grid file spec is bigger than
>    proj, and how such a change would be viewed by others, or if this is
>    "there is a spec, but to use it with proj it has to meet narrower
>    spec-prime".
Yes the deal would be: you can use any valid (Geo)TIFF/(Geo)BigTIFF 
big/little endian ordered, provided you limit yourself to uncompressed 
or deflate.
> <dark_humor>Maybe take it to OGC</>
Fortunately, there's nothing geo in this!

My software is free, but my time generally not.
Butcher of all kinds of standards, open or closed formats. At the end, this is just about bytes.
Mood of the day: "Bien entendu, on peut sauter sur sa chaise comme un cabri en disant : les standards ! les standards ! les standards ! Mais ça n’aboutit à rien et ça ne signifie rien." ~ dixit De Gaulle
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