[gdal-dev] GEOTIFF with RAT - transformation unsuccessful (and related warning)

Giuseppe Triacchini giuseppe.triacchini at ymail.com
Thu Dec 19 16:38:34 PST 2024

 Dear GDAL-DEV Mailing List, 
this is the first time with GDAL for me.I would need to convert a GeoTIFF file already reclassified in Integer values into an analogous GeoTIFF with associated a RAT table.I would need to use it with ESRI ArcGIS Online and apply unique-value style, which seems not feasible with normal raster layers (without RAT including unique categories).I'm not sure that GeoTIFF can support a RAT for ArcGIS, but a friend suggested to follow the two next steps reported below to reach my objective, but it seems that the GTiff function does not support the creation of a RAT table for a TIFF. Can someone more experienced than me confirm this?Is there some alternative solution to create a raster dataset with RAT recognized as such by ESRI  ArcGIS, in particular ArcGIS online?Thanks in advance for your help
Best regards
The procedure that was supposed to solve the issue:
After creating a DBF file with three essential columns VALUES CLASS and COUNT  where VALUES refers to the distinct integers that are in the GeoTIFF, I used the followingGDA functions:
gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "CREATE_RAT=YES"  InputFile.tif OutputFile_with_rat.tif

The raster is created but I get the following Warning 6: driver GTiff does not support creation option CREATE_RAT
Then I tried to associate anyway the DBF table to the new raster: 
gdaladdo -r OutputFile_with_rat.tif --config RAT_PATH OutputFile_with_rat.dbf

This second command returns a positive feedback "Done"
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

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