[gdal-dev] STACIT driver seems to return only a subset of all matches

Darius A. Görgen info at dariusgoergen.com
Mon Jan 15 02:47:53 PST 2024

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the STACIT driver under GDAL 3.8.2 to access some 
Sentinel-2 data on MPC.
However, it seems that using the driver returns only a part of all 
matching items to my query.

For example, if I issue:

gdalinfo -json 
 >> gdal_output.json

jq '.files | length' gdal_output.json


I get an output value of 4.

Where as:

wget -q -O stac_output.json 

jq '.features | length' stac_output.json


delivers and output of 36.

So it seems that some of the matching items are not caught by the STACIT 
Any advise?



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