[gdal-dev] GDALWarpOptions vs GDALWarpAppOptions
Fitch, Simeon
fitch at astraea.io
Wed Jan 31 13:04:46 PST 2024
Super helpful. I was incorrectly thinking of `GDALWarp` as the lower-level
entrypoint that the other warper calls used, which is where I got confused.
Sounds like `GDALWarp` is basically the entrypoint for the `gdalwarp`
executable, hence the string-oriented API. I should go back and study the
C++ code again.
I'll check out the pythonic binding for further inspiration.
On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 3:52 PM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> Simeon,
> Le 31/01/2024 à 21:38, Fitch, Simeon via gdal-dev a écrit :
> I'm on the `georust/gdal` bindings team, working on the warp routines, and
> trying to understand the relationship between GDALWarpOptions vs
> GDALWarpAppOptions.
> I'm not seeing any way to create a GDALWarpOptions from a
> GDALWarpAppOptions or vice versa. Are functions needing GDALWarpOptions in
> a completely different universe from ones needing GDALWarpAppOptions?
> Yes. GDALWarpOptions is for the lower level API from gdalwarper.h
> GDALWarpOptions seems clear, with requisite C functions for
> manipulating it, whereas GDALWarpAppOptions seems to only accept key/value
> pairs via GDALWarpAppOptionsSetWarpOption, which seems quite limiting.
> GDALWarpAppOptions is for the higher level gdalwarp C API. Actually most
> of the options are to be provided through the papszArgv parameter of the
> GDALWarpAppOptionsNew() function. I'm not sure to remember why the
> GDALWarpAppOptionsSetWarpOption() function was added, since it is redundant
> to passing "-wo", "{KEY}={VALUE}" as papszArgv values.
> I recognize that key/value pairs or strings are admittedly not super
> structured, but they are easily extensible in a way that is compatible of a
> stable C API/ABI.
> I was hoping to provide users a single entry point for specifying warp
> options, but wanted some expert advice before going down a dead end.
> I guess both API could be mapped. GDALWarp() is probably easier for most
> users as it combines different low level methods, like calling
> GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2() to find the target extent and resolution,
> creating the new dataset, etc. If you look at gdalwarp_lib.cpp, you'll find
> there are lots of heuristics there.
> Nothing prevents you to provide a more Rustacean API than the
> string-based one of GDALWarp(). The Python bindings for examples provide a
> way of providing the options as keyword options:
> WarpOptions(options=None, format=None, srcBands=None, dstBands=None,
> outputBounds=None, outputBoundsSRS=None, xRes=None, yRes=None,
> targetAlignedPixels=False, width=0, height=0, srcSRS=None, dstSRS=None,
> coordinateOperation=None, srcAlpha=None, dstAlpha=False, warpOptions=None,
> errorThreshold=None, warpMemoryLimit=None, creationOptions=None,
> outputType=0, workingType=0, resampleAlg=None, srcNodata=None,
> dstNodata=None, multithread=False, tps=False, rpc=False, geoloc=False,
> polynomialOrder=None, transformerOptions=None, cutlineDSName=None,
> cutlineLayer=None, cutlineWhere=None, cutlineSQL=None, cutlineBlend=None,
> cropToCutline=False, copyMetadata=True, metadataConflictValue=None,
> setColorInterpretation=False, overviewLevel='AUTO', callback=None,
> callback_data=None)
> Create a WarpOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Warp()
> Parameters
> ----------
> options:
> can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled
> from other keywords.
> format:
> output format ("GTiff", etc...)
> srcBands:
> list of source band numbers (between 1 and the number of input
> bands)
> dstBands:
> list of output band numbers
> outputBounds:
> output bounds as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) in target SRS
> outputBoundsSRS:
> SRS in which output bounds are expressed, in the case they are not
> expressed in dstSRS
> xRes:
> output resolution in target SRS
> yRes:
> output resolution in target SRS
> targetAlignedPixels:
> whether to force output bounds to be multiple of output resolution
> width:
> width of the output raster in pixel
> height:
> height of the output raster in pixel
> srcSRS:
> source SRS
> dstSRS:
> output SRS
> coordinateOperation:
> coordinate operation as a PROJ string or WKT string
> srcAlpha:
> whether to force the last band of the input dataset to be
> considered as an alpha band.
> If set to False, source alpha warping will be disabled.
> dstAlpha:
> whether to force the creation of an output alpha band
> outputType:
> output type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...)
> workingType:
> working type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...)
> warpOptions:
> list or dict of warping options
> errorThreshold:
> error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels)
> warpMemoryLimit:
> size of working buffer in MB
> resampleAlg:
> resampling mode
> creationOptions:
> list or dict of creation options
> srcNodata:
> source nodata value(s)
> dstNodata:
> output nodata value(s)
> multithread:
> whether to multithread computation and I/O operations
> tps:
> whether to use Thin Plate Spline GCP transformer
> rpc:
> whether to use RPC transformer
> geoloc:
> whether to use GeoLocation array transformer
> polynomialOrder:
> order of polynomial GCP interpolation
> transformerOptions:
> list or dict of transformer options
> cutlineDSName:
> cutline dataset name
> cutlineLayer:
> cutline layer name
> cutlineWhere:
> cutline WHERE clause
> cutlineSQL:
> cutline SQL statement
> cutlineBlend:
> cutline blend distance in pixels
> cropToCutline:
> whether to use cutline extent for output bounds
> copyMetadata:
> whether to copy source metadata
> metadataConflictValue:
> metadata data conflict value
> setColorInterpretation:
> whether to force color interpretation of input bands to output
> bands
> overviewLevel:
> To specify which overview level of source files must be used
> callback:
> callback method
> callback_data:
> user data for callback
> Even
> -- http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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