[gdal-dev] Extracting data from a parquet file

Joaquim Manuel Freire Luís jluis at ualg.pt
Fri Jul 19 07:58:14 PDT 2024


I finally managed to build a working GDAL with the arrow/parquet driver and I'm now trying to convert this file
but can only extract the "Point", not the "Multi polygon"

ogrinfo world-administrative-boundaries.parquet
INFO: Open of `world-administrative-boundaries.parquet'
      using driver `Parquet' successful.
1: world-administrative-boundaries (Point, Multi Polygon)

This gets only the points

ogr2ogr lixo.gpkg world-administrative-boundaries.parquet

The same happens if I open the file in QGis. Points only, no polygons.

But if I do an ogrinfo -al, it prints all data in file.

ogrinfo -al world-administrative-boundaries.parquet


  iso3 (String) = GIB
  status (String) = UK Non-Self-Governing Territory
  color_code (String) = GBR
  name (String) = Gibraltar

So, how can we select in ogr2ogr to extract the polygons?
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