[gdal-dev] Motion: Adopt GDAL 3.9.1RC1 as 3.9.1 release

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 21 09:31:47 PDT 2024

> As Greg said, 25 hours isn't long to test

There's also a 2 business days phase after the motion has been initiated 
before declaring it passed, which will lead to us after the week end, so 
if someone finds something critical enough, that can still be taken into 
account. Hard to know if people will test or not, and how much time they 

| Like several recent gdal versions on other recent Ubuntu releases, it 
complains about setup.py

yeah... Someone brave enough might try to switch the build process to 
use pip install. But that'd definitely require changing some development 

> I haven't really tried to run the test suite since the switch
> to cmake, but the current errors suggest that the suite is
> not ready for someone as inexperienced with it as me to use
> it to pass or fail the latest release on this platform.

Proper test execution requires the pytest.ini file to be generated, 
which is a CMake generated artifact. The error messages you pasted 
inline are clearly related to that (pytest tries to run some python 
files that aren't designed to be run as tests, and might require h5py 
which is normally not needed for only test excutions). I suspect the 
ones in the attached file might also be due to that. So if using the 
release tarballs, you need to untar/unzip gdal-autotest-3.9.1 in a 
subdirectory of gdal-3.9.1 and make sure that subdirectory is called 
"autotest" (to get the same organization as the git tree). Then from the 
build directory, you can run ctest.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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