[gdal-dev] Error linking srsinfo in 3.9.1 (rc1 or rc2)

Scott public at postholer.com
Mon Jun 24 11:33:10 PDT 2024

On debian 12:

/usr/include/c++/12/cstdlib, line 75. Context:

// Need to ensure this finds the C library's <stdlib.h> not a libstdc++
// wrapper that might already be installed later in the include search path.
#include_next <stdlib.h>
#include <bits/std_abs.h>


On 6/24/24 11:24, Greg Troxel via gdal-dev wrote:
> I egreped over the gdal 3.9.1rc2 sources and do not find this
> include_next stdlib at all.
>    $ egrep -R include_next.*stdlib .
> Please explain where you think it is in the sources.
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