[gdal-dev] Segmentation fault (core dumped) occurs when running ogr2ogr command on container

寛座 智大 tomohiro.kanza.306 at baycurrent.co.jp
Sun Mar 3 18:30:22 PST 2024

I am implementing batch processing to convert Shape files, publicly available as open data,

into Geojson format within a container environment.

I installed gdal-bin on top of ubuntu:22.04 base image.

The Dockerfile I implemented is as follows:


FROM ubuntu:22.04

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt update

RUN apt -y install apt-transport-https jq unzip openjdk-17-jdk-headless curl

# Install gdal-bin

# Reference: https://mothergeo-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/how-to/gdal-ubuntu-pkg.html#how-to-install-gdal-ogr-packages-on-ubuntu

RUN apt -y install software-properties-common

RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ppa

RUN apt update

RUN apt -y install gdal-bin

COPY ./convert.sh /convert.sh

CMD ["bash","convert.sh"]


When executing the ogr2ogr command within convert.sh, the following error occurs:


Shape: DBF Codepage = SJIS for /d1.shp

Shape: Treating as encoding 'MS932'.

GDAL: GDALOpen(/d1.shp, this=0x55f1edd77f30) succeeds as ESRI Shapefile.

GDAL: QuietDelete(/d1_raw.geojson) invoking Delete()

GDAL: GDALDriver::Create(GeoJSON,/d1_raw.geojson,0,0,0,Unknown,(nil))

GDALVectorTranslate: 5315 features written in layer 'd1'

Shape: 5315 features read on layer 'd1'.

GDAL: GDALClose(/d1.shp, this=0x55f1edd77f30)

GDAL: GDALClose(/d1_raw.geojson, this=0x55f1edd75fd0)

GDAL: In GDALDestroy - unloading GDAL shared library.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


I checked if convert.sh execution is possible on the VM (host OS running Docker).

The error seems to occur only when executed within the container.

How should I resolve this?


Host OS: ubuntu 22.04

Docker Deamon: 25.0.3

gdal-bin: 3.6.4

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