[gdal-dev] Testing the driver

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Mar 6 04:08:38 PST 2024


I don't see anything wrong. I've tried that on my native Linux build and 
the test_ogr_miramon_vector_1() is found. Does "pytest 
autotest/ogr/ogr_basic_test.py" work?*

Note: you don't need the try / except in your test case unless you'd 
need to some particular cleanup, but that's not the case here. pytest 
handles test failures nicely


Le 05/03/2024 à 22:28, Abel Pau via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hi again,
> after solving some issues I used WSL (Windows subsystem Linux) to 
> create an environment where I am able to run tests.
> I run the cmake inside build folder in the environment. It’s slow but 
> finally it finish. After cmake --build . --target install all is ready 
> to be tested.
> I create a simple test ogr_miramon_vector.py (see the code below) to 
> prove that it’s reliable.
> I run:
> pytest autotest/ogr/ogr_miramon_vector.py
> and:
> apau at ABEL2:/mnt/d/GitHub-repository/gdal/build$ pytest 
> autotest/ogr/ogr_miramon_vector.py
> Test session starts (platform: linux, Python 3.8.10, pytest 8.0.2, 
> pytest-sugar 1.0.0)
> benchmark: 4.0.0 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False 
> min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 
> warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
> GDAL Build Info:
> CURL_VERSION: 7.68.0
> GEOS_VERSION: 3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1
> GDAL_DOWNLOAD_TEST_DATA: undefined (tests relying on downloaded data 
> may be skipped)
> GDAL_RUN_SLOW_TESTS: undefined (tests marked as "slow" will be skipped)
> rootdir: /mnt/d/GitHub-repository/gdal/build/autotest
> configfile: pytest.ini
> plugins: benchmark-4.0.0, sugar-1.0.0, env-1.1.3
> *collected 0 items*
> My questions is why it seems it’s not working?
> Thanks!
> The test:
> -------------
> import os
> import gdaltest
> import ogrtest
> import pytest
> from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
> pytestmark = pytest.mark.require_driver("MiraMonVector")
> ###############################################################################
> @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
> def init():
> with gdaltest.config_option("CPL_DEBUG", "ON"):
> yield
> ###############################################################################
> # basic test
> def test_ogr_miramon_vector_1():
> try:
> ds = gdal.OpenEx("data/miramon/Points/SimplePoints/SimplePointsFile.pnt")
> lyr = ds.GetLayer(0)
> assert lyr is not None, "Failed to get layer"
>       assert lyr.GetFeatureCount() == 3
> assert lyr.GetGeomType() == ogr.wkbPoint
>         f = lyr.GetNextFeature()
> assert f.GetFID() == 0
> assert f.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt() == "POINT (513.49 848.81)"
> assert f.GetField("ID_GRAFIC") == "0"
> f = lyr.GetNextFeature()
> assert f.GetField("ID_GRAFIC") == "1"
> f = lyr.GetNextFeature()
> assert f.GetField("ID_GRAFIC") == "2"
> ds = None
> except Exception as e:
> pytest.fail(f"Test failed with exception: {e}")
> *De:*Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> *Enviado el:* divendres, 9 de febrer de 2024 11:48
> *Para:* Abel Pau <a.pau at creaf.uab.cat>; gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> *Asunto:* Re: [gdal-dev] Testing the driver
> Abel,
> Le 09/02/2024 à 10:55, Abel Pau via gdal-dev a écrit :
>     Hi,
>     I am at the lasts steps before pulling a request about the MiraMon
>     driver.
>     I need to write some documentation and formalize the tests.
>     After that, I’ll do the pull request to github.
> I'd suggest first before issuing the pull request that you push to 
> your fork on github and look at the Actions tab. That will allow you 
> to fix a lot of things on your side, before issuing the PR itself
>     I am a little confused about the testing. I can use pytest or
>     ctest, right? Which is the favourite? Are there any changes from
>     the official documentation?
> ctest is just the CMake way of launching the test suite. It will 
> execute C++ tests of autotest/cpp directly, and for tests written in 
> python will launch "pytest autotest/XXXXX" for each directory.
> "ctest --test-dir $build_dir -R autotest_ogr -V"  will just run all 
> the autotest/ogr tests, which can be quite long already.
> To test your own development, you may have a more pleasant experience 
> by directly running just the tests for your driver with something like 
> "pytest autotest/ogr/ogr_miramon.py"  (be careful on Windows, the 
> content of $build_dir/autotest is copied from $source_dir/autotest 
> each time "cmake" is run, so if you edit your test .py file directly 
> in the build directory, be super careful of not accidentally losing 
> your work, and make sure to copy its content to the source directory 
> first. That's admittedly an annoying point of the current test setup 
> on Windows, compared to Unix where we use symbolic links)
> after setting the environment to have PYTHONPATH point to something 
> like $build_dir/swig/python/Release or $build_dir/swig/python/Debug (I 
> believe you're on Windows?). If you look at the first lines output by 
> the above "ctest --test-dir $build_dir -R autotest_ogr -V" invokation, 
> you'll actually see the PYTHONPATH value to specify.
> You also need to first install pytest and other testing dependencies 
> with: python -m pip install autotest/requirements.txt
>     There is a minimal test to create?
> A maximal test suite, you mean ;-) You should aim for a "reasonable" 
> coverage of the code you wrote. Aiming to test the nominal code paths 
> of your driver is desirable (testing the error cases generally 
> requires a lot more effort).
>     Can you recommend me some driver that tests things like:
>     1.Read a point/arc/polygon layer from some format (gml,kml,
>     gpckg,..) and assert the number of readed objectes
>     2.Read a point layer and assert some points (3d included) and some
>     of the fields values
>     3.The same with arcs and polygons
>     4.Create some layer from the own format to anothers and compare
>     the results with some “good” results.
>     5.Create multiple layers from one outer format (like gpx) and
>     verify the name of the created files...
> You don't necessarily need to use other formats. It is actually better 
> if the tests of a format don't depend too much on other formats, to 
> keep things isolated.
> To test the read part of your driver, add a autotest/ogr/data/miramon 
> directory with *small* test files, ideally at most a few KB each to 
> keep the size of the GDAL repository reasonable, and a few features in 
> each is often enough to unit test, with different type of geometries, 
> attributes, and use the OGR Python API to open the file and iterate 
> over its layers and features to check their content. Those files 
> should have ideally be produced by the Miramon software and not by the 
> writing side of your driver, to check the interoperability of your 
> driver with a "reference" software.
> For the write site of the driver, you can for example run 
> gdal.VectorTranslate(dest, source) on those files, and use again the 
> test function to validate that the read side of your driver likes what 
> the write site has produced. An alternative is also to do a binary 
> comparison of the file generated by your driver with a reference test 
> file stored in for example autotest/ogr/data/miramon/ref_output. But 
> this may be sometimes a fragile approach if the output of your driver 
> might change in the future (would require regenerating the reference 
> test files).
> I'd suggest your test suite also has a test that runs the "test_ogrsf" 
> command line utility which is a kind of compliance test suite which 
> checks a number of expectations for a driver, like that 
> GetFeatureCount() returns the same number as iterating with 
> GetNextFeature(), etc etc
> It is difficult to point at a "reference" test suite, as all drivers 
> have their particularities and may need specific tests. Potential 
> sources of inspirations:
> - autotest/ogr/ogr_gtfs.py  . Shows very simple testing of the read 
> side of a driver, and includes a test_ogrsf test
> - autotest/ogr/ogr_csv.py  has examples where the writing side of the 
> driver is checked by opening the output file and checking that some 
> strings are present in it (only easily doable with text based formats)
> - autotest/ogr/ogr_openfilegdb_write.py . Extensive testing of the 
> writing side of a driver . A lot in it will be specific to the format 
> and irrelevant to your concern, but you should at least find all 
> possible aspects of how to test the write side of a driver.
> Even
> -- 
> http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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