[gdal-dev] Censor area in tiles of aerial image

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Mar 19 00:42:35 PDT 2024


Le 19/03/2024 à 08:26, thomas bonfort via gdal-dev a écrit :
> I have a side-question concerning the update-in-place behavior of the 
> gtiff driver in this case: given that a compressed strile will nearly 
> always be smaller after this update (due to better compression ratios 
> on the uniform area), will libtiff overwrite the previous strile in 
> place also, or will it be appended to the existing file (resulting in 
> a larger final file size)?

If the updated tile/strip occupies a smaller size than its previous 
version, it will overwrite in place. Note however that it will not wipe 
out the bytes that are no longer used, which might potentially be an 
issue in the context of censoring. Thus I would recommend doing a final 
gdal_translate to get a "clean" version before distributing it.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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