[gdal-dev] GDAL WMTS get tiles no documentation

Michał Kowalczuk michkowalczuk at gmail.com
Tue May 28 23:07:44 PDT 2024

Hi GDAL fellows
This is my first post on this mailing list, so I'm asking for understanding.

As all we know the purpose of using WMTS over WMS, I'd like to implement
parallel downloading tiles from service using C API.
In my opinion GDAL documentation (https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/wmts.html)
says nothing on this topic.
I can get capabilities from WMTS, I can open the selected subdataset but
how to get tiles for given extent? I could not find any information how to
do it, even in the GDAL tests on github.

I am kindly asking for tips. It also can be in python. How using pure GDAL
API fetch tiles to dynamically complete the displayed map. This is my goal.

Thank you!
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