[gdal-dev] Issue with the STACIT usage examples

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Nov 21 07:56:00 PST 2024

> Is there something special in the STACIT driver that makes it trickier 
> to use than WMS driver?
I don't think so. The STACIT driver uses the same type of string 
tokenizer than other drivers that use subdataset syntax. It's weird you 
need to escape &.  Would the shell be confused by the fact that there's 
an escaped double-quote character within the quoted string... ?

At least, just pasting the examples from the documentation page in a 
Bash shell works fine.

As an alternative, you can use:

gdalinfo -if STACIT 
-oo ASSET=image


My software is free, but my time generally not.
Butcher of all kinds of standards, open or closed formats. At the end, this is just about bytes.
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