[gdal-dev] Stacks versus mosaics with GTI Driver
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Nov 26 05:09:14 PST 2024
The GTI driver indeed doesn't support -separate type of datasets. It
would mean it would have to ingest the whole "index" at opening, so
apart from a reduction in size of the index compared to VRT, you'd
likely have little benefits. If you have really a lot of bands (like
100k or more), GDAL will struggle memory wise and CPU wise at some
point. Using a 3D multidim array will be a better model then.
(Your question is slightly related, but not completely, to
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/11321 which is something
in-between, where one would want to group together a number of
single-band assets per feature as multi-band tiles)
Le 26/11/2024 à 13:07, Scott Henderson via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I have a question on scope of the GTI driver, which I think provides a really nice capability for a lightweight single file raster catalog!
> One very common pattern I use and often see others using is `gdalbuildvrt -separate stack.vrt *.tif` for approximately-coincident satellite images over time. I was hoping to use the GTI driver for this, but as far as I can tell, it must return a 2D raster. Am I missing a setting to treat input features as separate bands? Or is this just out of scope for GTI and instead adding this 3rd ‘band’ or ‘time’ dimension is better suited for a custom script using the multidimensional raster API?
> Cheers,
> Scott
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