[gdal-dev] WMS supported SRS
Michał Kowalczuk
michkowalczuk at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 05:11:38 PDT 2024
So, can I open a feature request?
Michal Kowalczuk
W dniu czw., 12.09.2024 o 13:57 Rahkonen Jukka <
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> napisał(a):
> Hi,
> Your suggestion to utilize the additional layer BBOXes if they exist feels
> good to me, and better than to use the first advertised SRS from the root
> level. Beyond that what can be done with parsing the GetCapabilities is
> limited in my mind, because all projections which are supported may not be
> useful in real life.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> *Lähettäjä:* Michał Kowalczuk <michkowalczuk at gmail.com>
> *Lähetetty:* torstai 12. syyskuuta 2024 14.35
> *Vastaanottaja:* Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>
> *Kopio:* gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> *Aihe:* Re: [gdal-dev] WMS supported SRS
> So we remain at the point that there is no good method that, using only
> GDAL, will allow to fully use the WMS service without additional work
> related to XML parsing...?
> Best,
> Michał Kowalczuk
> wt., 10 wrz 2024 o 17:06 Michał Kowalczuk <michkowalczuk at gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> A sample from your link:
> *<Layer queryable="1" opaque="0"> <Name>Rakennustietoruudukko_2017</Name>
> <Title>Rakennustietoruudukko 2017</Title> <Abstract>Tietoa rakennuksista
> 250 x 250m ruudukoissa pääkaupunkiseudulla</Abstract> <KeywordList>
> <Keyword>features</Keyword> <Keyword>Rakennustietoruudukko_2017</Keyword>
> </KeywordList> <CRS>EPSG:3879</CRS> <CRS>CRS:84</CRS>
> <EX_GeographicBoundingBox>
> <westBoundLongitude>24.50112802448554</westBoundLongitude>
> <eastBoundLongitude>25.25849178466466</eastBoundLongitude>
> <southBoundLatitude>60.052265324029165</southBoundLatitude>
> <northBoundLatitude>60.39874702231777</northBoundLatitude>
> </EX_GeographicBoundingBox> <BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84"
> minx="24.50112802448554" miny="60.052265324029165" maxx="25.25849178466466"
> maxy="60.39874702231777"/> <BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3879" minx="6659998.5"
> miny="2.5472498E7" maxx="6698499.5" maxy="2.551425E7"/> <Style>
> <Name>polygon</Name> <Title>Default polygon style</Title> <Abstract>A
> sample style that just draws out a solid gray interior with a black 1px
> outline</Abstract> <LegendURL width="20" height="20">
> <Format>image/png</Format> <OnlineResource
> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink <http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink>"
> xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="https://kartta.hsy.fi/geoserver/asuminen_ja_maankaytto/ows?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=Rakennustietoruudukko_2017
> <https://kartta.hsy.fi/geoserver/asuminen_ja_maankaytto/ows?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=Rakennustietoruudukko_2017>"/>
> </LegendURL> </Style> </Layer>*
> wt., 10 wrz 2024 o 17:05 Michał Kowalczuk <michkowalczuk at gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> Ok, now I see the problem. Thank you Jukka for the explanation with a
> sample.
> So maybe we can use information from *BoundingBox*?
> and generate SUBDATASETS for each combination of Layer and BoundingBox
> definition that is usually defined for "best"/dedicated projections for a
> layer.
> *( )*
> *A Layer may have multiple BoundingBox elements, but each one shall state
> a different CRS (...)*
> *A Layer shall not provide a BoundingBox for a CRS it does not support.
> Conversely, a Layer may support CRSs*
> *for which it does not provide a BoundingBox: a server that has the
> ability to transform data to different CRSs may*
> *choose not to provide an explicit BoundingBox for every possible CRS
> available for each Layer. The server*
> *should provide BoundingBox information for at least the native CRS of the
> Layer (that is, the CRS in which the*
> *Layer is stored in the server’s database).*
> Best,
> Michał
> W dniu wt., 10.09.2024 o 16:07 Rahkonen Jukka <
> jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> napisał(a):
> Hi
> - I meant to use CRSs only reported by GetCapabilities. I haven't seen
> that GetCapabilities returns so many (6782) possible projections...
> I was meaning the same, CRSs reported in GetCapabilities. I used a search
> engine with phrase “service=WMS&version=1.3.0” and found in three minutes
> many examples, including this one
> kartta.hsy.fi/geoserver/asuminen_ja_maankaytto/ows?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities.
> If you want to see more, install Geoserver on your computer and have a look
> at the default GetCapabilities.
> Finding the best CRS from WMS GetCapabilities is guesswork. The server
> above is a Finnish one so probably EPSG:3067 is the most native CRS because
> that is what we tend to use in Finland. However, there is also one and only
> one additional BBOX for EPSG:3879 in GetCapabilities, but that would be
> somewhat odd selection for a country-wide CRS. It is also possible that for
> example some CRS of New Zealand does not really work in GetMap of the
> Finnish data even GetCapabilities says it will. But when WMS is configured
> to show a short CRS list then I would trust that they are all good to use.
> Just be aware that the list can also be very long.
> If you start implementing the LIST_ALL_SRS option, it should be noted that
> the service level CRS list applies to all layers, and each layer can add
> more CRSs to the list. Maybe in theory there could be even
> “crs-list-of-service-root + crs-list-of-group-layer +
> crs-list-of-child-layer”.
> “ CRS
> Every Layer is available in one or more layer coordinate reference
> systems. 6.7.3 discusses the Layer CRS. In
> order to indicate which Layer CRSs are available, every named Layer shall
> have at least one <CRS> element that
> is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer. The root
> <Layer> element shall include a sequence of
> zero or more CRS elements listing all CRSs that are common to all
> subsidiary layers. A child layer may optionally
> add to the list inherited from a parent layer. Any duplication shall be
> ignored by clients.
> When a Layer is available in several coordinate reference systems, the
> list of available CRS values shall be
> represented as a sequence of <CRS> elements, each of which contains only a
> single CRS name.”
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> *Lähettäjä:* Michał Kowalczuk <michkowalczuk at gmail.com>
> *Lähetetty:* tiistai 10. syyskuuta 2024 16.32
> *Vastaanottaja:* Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>
> *Kopio:* gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> *Aihe:* Re: [gdal-dev] WMS supported SRS
> Thank you for your feedback. My comments are below:
> *It means that there are tens of thousands WMS services which support 6782
> different projections for each layer (checked from Geoserver version
> 2.25.3). I would not like them all to be reported as subdatasets.*
> I meant to use CRSs only reported by GetCapabilities. I haven't seen that
> GetCapabilities returns so many (6782) possible projections...
> *WMS standard also does not define any default CRS and the first one on
> the list in GetCapabilities does not need to be the best.*
> Therefore, the current form of the generating subdatasets names method for
> WMS driver is even more useless, if we have a non-default (not the best)
> projection for the data.
> And the only good way to work with it is to parse XML and generate paths
> manually...
> That's why I favor Even's option to introduce open option
> Any more thoughts?
> Michał Kowalczuk
> wt., 10 wrz 2024 o 15:03 Rahkonen Jukka <
> jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> napisał(a):
> Hi,
> WMTS typically supports a rather small number of tilematrices and tiles
> are usually cached, so it makes a lot of sense to advertise the available
> matrices and utilize them. On the other hand WMS maps are created
> on-the-fly and there is very low technical cost on the server side to
> support however many projections. WMS standard also does not define any
> default CRS and the first one on the list in GetCapabilities does not need
> to be the best.
> I guess that Geoserver is the most common WMS server in the world and
> amazingly many Geoservers run with the default settings. It means that
> there are tens of thousands WMS services which support 6782 different
> projections for each layer (checked from Geoserver version 2.25.3). I would
> not like them all to be reported as subdatasets.
> I can see that ogrinfo and the OGC API Features driver report the list of
> supported projections. Test with ogrinfo OAPIF:
> https://ogc-api.nrw.de/inspire-us-feuerwehr -al -so shows “Supported SRS:
> OGC:CRS84, EPSG:25832, EPSG:25833, EPSG:4258, EPSG:4326, EPSG:3395,
> EPSG:3857, EPSG:3034, EPSG:3035”
> Something similar might be an option for gdalinfo, but still about 6782
> EPSG codes per layer is too much to be viewed by default. Maybe the CRS
> list could be reported under some metadata domain that user could read on
> demand?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> *Lähettäjä:* gdal-dev <gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> *Puolesta *Michal
> Kowalczuk via gdal-dev
> *Lähetetty:* tiistai 10. syyskuuta 2024 15.15
> *Vastaanottaja:* gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> *Aihe:* Re: [gdal-dev] WMS supported SRS
> I found that there was a similar issue in 2021 without any specific answer:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org/msg35549.html
> I wonder if getting SUBDATASETS shouldn't return the result in a similar
> way as it does for WMTS service,
> where GDAL generates paths to all layer/tilematrix/tilematrixset
> combination.
> For example if layer is available in 3 SRS, GDAL produces 3 subdatasets,
> so using only SUBDATASE_NAME property user has access to all map services
> shared by WMTS server.
> In my opinion, GDAL should use the same approach for WMS.
> Does anyone object?
> I will then submit a new feature request/bug report.
> Best regards and have a nice day
> Michał Kowalczuk
> pon., 9 wrz 2024 o 16:17 Michał Kowalczuk <michkowalczuk at gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> Hi,
> Does GDAL provides a method to get supported spatial reference systems by
> WMS service?
> *GDALGetMetadata(SUBDATASETS) *generate links only for the first
> (default) SRS from GetCapabilities, so this won't be helpful.
> Working with WFS I can get supported SRS using OGR
> *OGR_L_GetSupportedSRSList *function.
> Does GDAL offers something similar for WMS, or should I get this
> information from GetCapabilities XML by myself?
> Regards,
> Michal
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