[gdal-dev] Suggestion for generalization tools

Mihovil Rak mihovil.rak at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 4 12:52:05 PST 2025

Hello GDAL Dev team,

As far as I know gdal_sieve is the only GDAL raster generalization tool and one of the few open source ones in general.

I would suggest to create a tool (or a few of them) that could use generalization alghoritms like expansion (dilation), shrinking (erosion), boundary smoothing, majority filtering, group segmentation and similar for classified raster images.

I have been using GDAL and developing GIS tools for a few years, and have been a GIS user for a few more, but I am not familiar with what the procedure is for building/suggesting new functionalities to the GDAL project.

Kind regards,


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