[gdal-dev] DXF MLTIPOINT

Andrew C Aitchison andrew at aitchison.me.uk
Thu Jan 16 05:37:39 PST 2025

On Thu, 16 Jan 2025, Michał Kowalczuk via gdal-dev wrote:

> Thank you, Jukka.
> I saw this post. The main question is why the DXF driver implementation can
> explode MultiPolylines and MultiPolygons (which is more complex) and
> MultiPoint *not*?

As I read the DXF 2014 spec
the underlying issue is that the DXF format supports MultiPolylines 
MultiPolygons but not MultiPoint.
Thus the driver does not need to explode MultiPolylines and MultiPolygons
and, like the FME writer, would need to do something new and extra
to explode a MultiPoint and include the points in the DXF.

Alan Thomas says in
     The writer does not write out ATTRIB entities for a POINT feature with 
a non-empty BlockAttributes field, that is to say, block attributes are 
not round-tripped. This is certainly a gap in the feature set, but I only 
plan to write this code if someone expresses a need for it.

I speculate that this is related ...

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
                    andrew at aitchison.me.uk

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