<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Hi all,</P>
<P>Thanks to Norman and Frank for their response.<BR><BR>I read in the IDL user manual on how to call external functions. It says that if the external library is packaged as a DLL then one can register the DLL (using regsvr32) and wrap the COM object into an IDL object and use it from there. I thought gdal11.dll was the one I should be looking for. I tried registering the DLL, it threw an error that No DLLRegistryServer entry point found, Registration failed. I guess I am using the wrong DLL or there is some other kind of library that allows me access to all the GDAL methods. I would appreciate if somebody could provide leads on this.</P>
<P>I am using windows XP, IDL 6.0. I do not wish to use python/numarray/numeric etc. I want to build the software that is python independent. Do I need to build the GDAL again? (since I am using the GDAL that was built "with" python support)</P>
<P>Thank you</P>
<P>Gagan Tandon</P><BR><BR><BR>
<P><IMG height=2 src="http://graphics.hotmail.com/greypixel.gif" width="100%" vspace=9>PLEASE SEND ANY HEAVY ATTACHMENT LOADED EMAILS TO THIS<BR>EMAIL ID: <A href="http://by8fd.bay8.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=f6af9776f07805c9ae6c125e6216489f&mailto=1&to=gagan@cs.colostate.edu&msg=MSG1087594708.37&start=905400&len=3439&src=&type=x" target=_top><FONT color=#000099>gagan@cs.colostate.edu</FONT></A>. <BR>THANKS<BR><BR>Gagan Tandon<BR>Graduate Student Research Assistant<BR>Computer Science GIS and Remote Sensing<BR>Colorado State University<BR><BR><IMG height=2 src="http://graphics.hotmail.com/greypixel.gif" width="100%" vspace=9></P></DIV>>From: "Norman Vine" <nhv@cape.com> >Reply-To: nhv@cape.com >To: "Gdal-Dev@Remotesensing.Org" <gdal-dev@remotesensing.org> >Subject: RE: [Gdal-dev] Calling GDAL functions in IDL >Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:28:27 -0400 > >Gagan Tandon writes: > > > > Hi all, > > I am writing a lidar analysis software in IDL (Interactive data language). > > I am interested in using GDAL for some analysis purpose. > > Therefore, I would like to use GDAL functions in IDL. > > For example, I wish to use the function LoadFile in gdalnumeric. > > How do I call that in IDL? > > What I may have to do to allow calling the GDAL functions through an IDL interpreter. > > Do I have to register the gdal11.dll or write a wrapper etc ? > > Any sample code/links would be helpful. > >I don't know how or if it even possible to link Python with IDL, >please note that gdalnumeric is a Python extension. > >IDL and Python Numeric have a similar syntax and perhaps >you would find it easiest to just write your routines in Python > >This page is a summary of the mapping between IDL and numarray >commands >http://www.johnny-lin.com/cdat_tips/tips_array/idl2num.html > >HTH > >Norman > >_______________________________________________ >Gdal-dev mailing list >Gdal-dev@xserve.flids.com >http://xserve.flids.com/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev </div><br clear=all><hr>Drive away out of trouble. <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENIN/2749??PS=47575">Get a loan against your existing car.</a> </html>