I've started using gdal_translate to convert a Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) grid file to an Erdas Imagine Images (HFA) using the following command:<br>gdal_translate finaldem.grd -of HFA finaldem.img<br><br>Everything appears to work correctly, but the resulting elevation file is translated towards the lower border. For example, if the top of the DEM was at latitude 40, and the bottom at 39, then the resulting file after the conversion has its top at 39, and bottom at 38.
<br><br>Gdal appears to incorrectly read the boundary values in GMT files, so the lower and upper values are swapped:<br>tmp $ gdalinfo finaldem.grd<br>Driver: netCDF/network Common Data Format<br><br><snip><br><br>
Corner Coordinates:<br>Upper Left (-124.4998627, 40.0001373) <br>Lower Left (-124.4998627, 40.4998627) <br>Upper Right (-124.0001373, 40.0001373) <br>Lower Right (-124.0001373, 40.4998627) <br>Center (-124.2500000
, 40.2500000) <br><br><snip><br><br>The real values of the boundaries are shown here:<br>grdinfo finaldem.grd <br>finaldem.grd: Title: user_z_unit<br>finaldem.grd: Command: grdcut surface.grd -Gfinaldem.grd -R-124.5
/-124.0/40.0/40.5<br>finaldem.grd: Remark: <br>finaldem.grd: Pixel node registration used<br>finaldem.grd: grdfile format: nf (# 18)<br>finaldem.grd: x_min: -124.5 x_max: -124 x_inc: 0.000277778 name: user_x_unit nx: 1800
<br>finaldem.grd: y_min: 40 y_max: 40.5 y_inc: 0.000277778 name: user_y_unit ny: 1800<br>finaldem.grd: z_min: -1052.48 z_max: 1237 name: user_z_unit<br>finaldem.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0<br><br><br><br>Thanks,<br>