Hi All,<br> I have just started using GDAL lib for image reading and writing purpose only. Right now i have the images located on the local machine and i'm trying to extend the GDAL usage over the remotely located images on the network. But i have a filesystemHandler (different from win32) which i need to use to go thru to access the remote image data.<br><br>I have read the Virtual Filesystemhandler which supports run time install of different filesystemhandlers and was able to hook a new file system class(using the win32 default file handle) by experimenting with the source. If anyone on the group can direct me to some more information or sample implementations, (hooking new filesystem , other than /vsimem/ I.E. memhandle) that would make this new filesystem hooking process less error-prone, i would really appreciate the guidance.<br><br>Thank you<br><br>Sanjay<br><BR><BR>"If you look at what you do
not have in life, you don't have anything"<br>"If you look at what you have in life, you have everything"<p> 
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