.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'>Hi,<BR> <BR>I'm was trying to load the following web coverage (using GDAL 1.4.3):<BR> <BR><FONT face="" size=2><WCS_GDAL><BR><ServiceURL>http://geodata.telascience.org/cgi-bin/mapserv_dem?</ServiceURL><BR><CoverageName>srtmplus_raw</CoverageName><BR><WCS_GDAL><BR> <BR>The dataset metadata information were fetched just fine (# cols = <FONT face="" size=2>43199 and # rows = 21599), however when the read</FONT><BR>operation started 'GDALRasterIO' an error is posted. To process the data I'm reading one whole row in 'GDALRasterIO'<BR>(# cols = 43199 and # rows = 1).<BR> <BR>The posted error is the following:<BR>GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 0<BR> <BR>This appear to be related to blocks caching. I changed my block reading chunks to be the same as the band x block size and<BR>y block size for the dataset band ((# cols = <FONT face="" size=2>1024 and # rows = 512)</FONT>, still no luck. I have now a time out error:</FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=2>Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received.</FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=2></FONT> <BR><FONT face="" size=2>Any ideas about these issues ?</FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=2></FONT> <BR><FONT face="" size=2>Thanks in advance</FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=2></FONT> <BR><FONT face="" size=2>Noureddine Farah<BR><BR></FONT><br /><hr />Share life as it happens with the new Windows Live. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_Wave2_sharelife_112007' target='_new'>Share now!</a></body>