Hi,<br><br>In starting off with a NITF version 2.00 file which I have attached its gdalinfo output called 55439.gdalinfo.<br><br>I then run the following against the NITF file in order to convert it to geotiff, reduce the resolution etc.<br>
<br><b><i>gdalwarp.exe -tr 5.16553404E-5 5.16553404E-5 -srcnodata "0 0 0" -dstnodata "0 0 1" -rc -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -co tiled=yes -q -co bigtiff=yes "c:\temp1\w2.tiftemp" "c:\temp1\w3.tiftemp"</i></b><br>
I have attached its gdalinfo output called 55439_gdalwarp.gdalinfo<br>The converted geotiff file looks similar to the original NITF source.<br><br>When I run the following command:<br>nearblack -near 1 -nb 0 "c:\temp1\w3.tiftemp"<br>
I get the below warning<br>Warning 1: Band 1 is not of type GDT_Byte. It can lead to unexpected results.<br><br>The file now look very much different than the original source NITF, which I guess is what the "unexpected results" message meant.<br>
<br>I have also attached the gdalinfo of converted nearblack file called 55439_gdalwarp_nearblack.gdalinfo<br><br>When running gdalwarp to convert from NITF to geotiff is their a parameter that would output the file as a geotiff with the band as a type GDT_Byte, so that nearblack would correctly output the geotiff.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>John J. Mitchell