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<DIV> I have created a style file border.ofs for a polygon shape file border.shp. Here's the ofs file content:</DIV>
<DIV>OFS-Version: 1.0<BR>StyleField: ""<BR>DefaultStyle: PEN(C:#000000) <BR>road: PEN(c:#FF0000,w:5px)<BR>lake: BRUSH(fc:#0000FF);LINE(c:#000000)<BR>billboard: SYMBOL(c:#00FF00,id:"ogr-sym-9")<BR>label: LABEL(f:"Times New Roman",s:12pt,t:{"China"})</DIV>
<DIV>When i try to get the style, i have the following two questions:</DIV>
<DIV>1. Did ogr provide mathod to get style from *.ofs file, or we shall read it line by line by users and then convert the style strings to Style Table to be accessed by OGRStyle referenced classes ?</DIV>
<DIV> If it did, when call shape driver to read shp file, dose the driver automatically read the style into OGRLayer? if so, then how can i get style with OGRLayer?</DIV>
<DIV>2. Is OGRLayer::GetStyleTable<STRONG> only available</STRONG> for getting style table from *.tlb file? I try to use it to read the above file border.ofs with these codes:</DIV>
<DIV> OGRStyleTable* pStyleTable;<BR> pStyleTable = pLayer->GetStyleTable();</DIV>
<DIV> but failed. </DIV>
<DIV>Please help me. By the way, if someone has examples about styles, would you mail me some?</DIV></DIV></DIV>