Hi All,<br><br>I've set up a build server providing daily snapshot builds for various compilers/architectures and created a root page containing the links to the results (along with the build SDKs have been used for the builds)<br>
<br><a href="http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/sdk/index.html">http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/sdk/index.html</a><br><br>You can simply download and use any of the build snapshots to be able to obtain the Windows binaries with the recent fixes without requiring to compile by yourself. But if you would rather compile by hand (eg for debugging purposes) just pick up the SDK packages providing a ready to use compile environment for all of those platforms enumerated.<br>
<br>You may encounter some features missing (like swigpython binaries, mapscript-java etc) which are about to be added shortly, after I make sure those are working equally well on all platforms. I'll also provide links to the corresponding autotest results until the buildbot configuration is not resurrected.<br>
<br><br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Tamas<br><br>