<div><div><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 0px;"><div>Hi,<br>Maybe someone can help me with the following.<br><br>I want to translate GML files with the GDAL library to SHP files.<br><br>In Holland we have a new law, that all plans must be geocoded in a GML file.<br>The namespace is: <br>http://www.geonovum.nl/imro/2008/1 http://schemas.geonovum.nl/imro/2008/1.0/IMRO2008.xsd<br><br>One example is:<br><br>http://ro-standaarden.geonovum.nl/voorbeeldinstrumenten/2008/NL.IMRO.9999.BP2008000001-0003/NL.IMRO.9999.BP2008000001-0003.gml<br><br>Another example is:<br><br>http://ro-standaarden.geonovum.nl/voorbeeldinstrumenten/2008/NL.IMRO.9999.VB000001-0002/NL.IMRO.9999.VB000001-0002.gml<br><br>I have tried all kind of translators, but I am not able to convert it (eg . with ogr2ogr )<br>Also I tried to read in openlayers.GML and openlayers.WFST, but without success.<br><br>I got a problem about the gml:Curve .....<br><br>Has anyone an idea how to solve these kind of translations, so also with curve (circular arc) transformation to a densed linestring?<br>Or do I need another tool to convert these files. It would be nice if it is command-line based, so I can use it in a web page.<br><br>Greetings from the Netherlands.<br><br><br><div>Met vriendelijke groeten,<br><br>ir. Peter-Paul Koonings<br>Senior consultant<br>06 51793348<br><a href="mailto:p.koonings@crotec.nl">p.koonings@crotec.nl