Hi Robert, thank you for contributing your insight, it helps!
<br><br>> cs2cs -v is quite clear about what it's doing, OGR not so much.
<br>> Using the "straight" Proj EPSG defs on my system:
<br>> $ cs2cs -v +init=epsg:3579 +to +init=epsg:4617
<br>> No datum transform will happen (ellipses match, and +towgs84 is ommitted (ie ==0)).
<br><br>Then I would say it is improper for ogr2ogr to write NAD83(CSRS) in
<br>the output .prj. Proj4 and dependant projects may think WGS84, NAD83
<br>and NAD83(CSRS) are synonymous but from my reading over the last
<br>couple of weeks it is clear that while the first two were
<br>interchangeable at one time, they are not now.
<br><br>In future a person or program using data defined as NAD83(CSRS) will
<br>reasonably expect sub-meter datum accuracy, for that is the purpose of
<br>the datum. if this is not the case, it should not call itself such.
<br><br>best regards,
<br><hr align="left" width="300">
View this message in context: <a href="http://n2.nabble.com/gdal-ogr-proj-and-NAD83%28CSRS%29-tp3311110p3346244.html">Re: [Gdal-dev] gdal/ogr/proj and NAD83(CSRS)</a><br>
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