Good morning for all<br><br>I'm begin to work with ogr2ogr, and i'm trying create a new .shp file from a connection ODBC, but when i add the .shp file created in MapWindow or in Quantum GIS these no display the points in the map window,when i open the attribute table window of my .shp file, i can see all the data and attributes in the grid, but i don't see them in the Map Window.<br>
<br><em>i can see what the bounding box properties is set in 0</em><br><br>what do i´m doing wrong?<br><br>this is the command for ogr2ogr<br><br>ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -a_srs "EPSG:4326" "puentes.shp" "ODBC:INACMASQL" -nlt POINT -sql "SELECT p.nombre,t.latitud,t.longitud,t.altura FROM puente p,trayectoria t WHERE p.id_trajectory = t.id_trayectoria"<br>
<br>than you for you help!<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Ing Germán Antonio Castillo P.<br><br><br>---------------------------------------<br><a href=""></a><br><br>