Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to put georeference information to a raster HDF file which doesn't containt projection nor geo-transformation or any GCP.<br><br>HDF is not georeferenced, but contain lot of useful metadata, so I manage to get the projection, which is Geostationnary projection ( +proj=geos).<br>
<br>However, I don't understand how to compute GeoTransformation or GCP to geo-reference properly my image:<br><br>For "classic flat" geo-referenced image, computation between pixel and lat/lon can be done by gdal_translate -a_ullr. But it's not possible with GEOS projection since the image is not "flat" !<br>
<br>What is the correct method to put GeoTransformation or GCP to GeoTIFF ? Below some metadata of the file that could help.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Stéphane<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Projection GeoReference=+proj=geos +h=3.58011e+07 +lon_0=73.9617 +ellps=WGS84 +x_0=-5632000 +y_0=5632000<br> Nominal Altitude (km)=42179.2<br> Nominal Central Point Coordinates (degrees)=0.349082, 73.9617<br> Nominal X_resolution (km)=2<br>
Nominal Y_resolution (km)=2<br> Nominal False Northing (km)=5632<br> Nominal False Easting (km)=-5632<br> Nominal Pixel Stepping Angle (nanoradian)=223457.048379966<br> Nominal Line Stepping Angle (nanoradian)=223457.048379966<br>