Hi,<br>I'm trying to compile GDAL 1.7.1 on a RHEL5/x86_64 system. My configure call is<br><br>./configure --with-python --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config --with-curl=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-hdf4=/usr/lib64/hdf --with-sqlite3=yes --with-netcdf=no --with-static-proj4=/usr/lib64/ --with-hdf5=/usr/include/hdf5<br>
<br>which gets me HDF4, HDF5, PROJ, GEOS and so on (the output of this is at the end of the message, in case it helps.). I then compile with make and it crashes at the linking the library stage (libtool) with<br><br>/usr/lib/libstdc++.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format<br>
<br>I presume this is a problem with the 64/32bit libraries getting mangled. If I remove the -lstdc++ entry from postdeps in GDAL's version of libtool, it apparently works, but the python bindings are unusable. The gdal apps are also linked to a 64bit GDAL library in /usr/local/lib (and not lib64):<br>
$ ldd /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo<br> libgdal.so.1 => /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1 (0x00002b113889c000)<br> libproj.so.0 => /usr/lib64/libproj.so.0 (0x00002b113934e000)<br> libgeos_c.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1 (0x00002b1139591000)<br>
[.....]<br><br>Can anyone shed any light on what's going on? I don't really understand libtool & configure at all!<br><br>Thanks!<br>Jose<br><br>Output of ./configure:<br><br>GDAL is now configured for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu<br>
<br> Installation directory: /usr/local<br> C compiler: gcc -g -O2<br> C++ compiler: g++ -g -O2<br><br> LIBTOOL support: yes<br><br> LIBZ support: external<br> GRASS support: no<br>
CFITSIO support: no<br> PCRaster support: internal<br> NetCDF support: no<br> LIBPNG support: external<br> LIBTIFF support: external (BigTIFF=no)<br> LIBGEOTIFF support: internal<br>
LIBJPEG support: external<br> 8/12 bit JPEG TIFF: no<br> LIBGIF support: external<br> OGDI support: no<br> HDF4 support: yes<br> HDF5 support: yes<br>
Kakadu support: no<br> JasPer support: no<br> ECW support: no<br> MrSID support: no<br> MSG support: no<br> GRIB support: yes<br> EPSILON support: no<br>
cURL support (wms/wcs/...):yes<br> PostgreSQL support: no<br> MySQL support: no<br> Ingres support: no<br> Xerces-C support: no<br> NAS support: no<br> Expat support: yes<br>
ODBC support: no<br> PGeo support: no<br> PCIDSK support: internal<br> OCI support: no<br> GEORASTER support: no<br> SDE support: no<br> DODS support: no<br>
SQLite support: yes<br> SpatiaLite support: no<br> DWGdirect support no<br> INFORMIX DataBlade support:no<br> GEOS support: yes<br> VFK support: yes<br><br><br>
SWIG Bindings: python<br><br> Statically link PROJ.4: yes<br> enable OGR building: yes<br> enable pthread support: no<br> hide internal symbols: no<br>