I am currently working on a web project in which I need to be able to
show global imagery in different projections using OpenLayers. I plan
to use the Blue Marble data that is available from NASA. I have a few
questions for those who have worked with this data before.<br>
<br>1. How hard is it to convert a non-geolocated Cylindrical
Equidistant image to a projection such as Polar Stereographic North
(GeoTiff format)? Does anyone have an example of this being done?<br>2.
Does anyone know whether GeoServer or MapServer is better for serving
up data in different projections? Can either of them reproject raster
data on-the-fly (Ex: Lambert Conformal Conic requesting data based on
tangent/secant lines)?<br>
<br>I would appreciate any help or direction that can be given.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Jed