<div class="G0"><div class="J-J5-Ji"><div id=":15w" class="J-K-I J-J5-Ji G1 J-K-I-Js-Zq GZ L3" tabindex="0"><div class="J-J5-Ji J-K-I-Kv-H"><div class="J-J5-Ji J-K-I-J6-H"><div class="J-K-I-KC"><div class="gE iv gt">Q: Is there any kind of -f %.6f type option for ogr2ogr like there is for cs2cs ?<br>
</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><br>I don't seem to get all the precision... My lat shows 55.384 where it should be 55.38361936<br><br>Thanks for continued help!<br>
-jim<br><br><div id=":15k">--------------------------------------<br>
Using Meridan 2 UK file:<br><br>C\:> ogr2ogr -s_srs epsg:27700 -t_srs epsg:4326 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ogr minor_rd_polyline.shp<br><br>This converts:<br>#<br> 381514.000, 610000.000<br> 381273.000, 609813.000<br>
380935.000, 609701.000<br> 380819.000, 609727.000<br> 380671.000, 609665.000<br> 380542.000, 609515.000<br> 380215.000, 609240.000<br> 380000.000, 608939.000<br>#<br><br>into<br><br>#<br> -2.293, 55.384<br>
-2.297, 55.382<br> -2.302, 55.381<br> -2.304, 55.381<br> -2.307, 55.381<br> -2.309, 55.379<br> -2.314, 55.377<br> -2.317, 55.374<br>#</div>