Hi again
Finally I managed to compile ecw dll as part of gdal. This means I do not need to declare a system variable to tell where ecw gdal plugin is located. I ran gdalinfo - format:
Bingo found<img class='smiley' src='http://n2.nabble.com/images/smiley/anim_jump.gif' />
<b>Supported Formats:
ECW (ro): ERMapper Compressed Wavelet
JP2ECW (ro): ERMapper JPEG2000</b>
But when I try to run gdal17.dll with MapServer, I get this error message:
<b>load output format ():
General error message. OUTPUT FORMAT clause references driver GDAL / ECW,
men this driver isn't Configured.; msInitGDALOutputFormat ():
General error message. GDAL `ECW` driver ikke support output.</b>
<img class='smiley' src='http://n2.nabble.com/images/smiley/anim_crazy.gif' />
I get this error message only when I include. Ecw file in mapFile. This means that solution with the new gdal thrived without ecw.
So question is am I missing some configurations for MapServer or what?
I will attach this time the new gdal17.dll, gdalinfo.exe and MapServer. So maybe can someone tell me what's going on?
the rest Iam using mapscript_csharp.dll.
<a href="http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/file/n5774457/gdal17.zip" target="_top">gdal17.zip</a>
<br><hr align="left" width="300">
View this message in context: <a href="http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/how-can-I-compile-GDAL-1-7-3-with-ecw-4-1-in-Virsual-Studio-2010-tp5765934p5774457.html">Re: how can I compile GDAL 1.7.3 with ecw 4.1 in Virsual Studio 2010</a><br>
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