Hi,<br><br>I've been working with the GDAL/OGR 1.7.3 release and writing geometries to SDE when I ran into an issue. The code forces a value into a SDE table's primary key field by automatically incrementing records starting with the value of 1. I don't see this as a practical implementation because it only works with an empty SDE layer when you initially load data. It causes a -51/Underlying DMBS error when you attempt to append data onto the layer if those primary key values are in use, and prevents other implementations for handling primary key generation. I handle auto-population of a primary key through a BIR
(Before-Insert-Record) trigger by querying the next value from an Oracle
Sequence when a NULL value is encountered on the insert statement. I've commented out the parts of the code in my build, so as not to force the FID column to have a value, but I think this should be adopted by the SDE driver.<br>