What is the proper way to extract all the unique values contained in a raster Band object? I had initially assumed that if a RasterAttributeTable object existed, it would contain a "Value" column, but I have come across instances where the only column in the table is a "Histogram" field containing the counts of each pixel value, but not the value itself.<br>
<br>Currently, I check for the existence of the table, check to see if it has a Value column, and if not, inspect each pixel value to get the unique set. The pixel scanning fallback method is quite slow, however, and when I view the same rasters in ArcCatalog and bring up the "Table" view, it is able to instantly display the typical Value / Count table. Is there some trick I'm missing here on how to get these values?<br>
<br>Thanks very much!<br>Tom Jeffery<br>