<div>Hello,<br> <br>I would like to show value of each raster cell as label. My idea (I don't know any plugin or any functionality in GDAL/OGR which allow to do it easier) is to export raster using gdal2xyz.py into coordinates-value format and then save it as vector (GML or shapefile). For this second task, I try to use <br>
=================================================================================================================================================<br>gdal_polygonize.py:<br>gdal_polygonize.py rainfXYZ.txt rainf.shp Creating output rainf.shp of format GML. 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.<br>
=================================================================================================================================================<br>unfortunately I am unable to load created file (even if I change the extension to .gml)<br>
ogr2ogr tool don't even recognize this format.<br> <br>=========================<br>Thank You in advance,</div>