<div>I am working in a project using Erdas Apollo Server, I have to build a excel report from a .img file but I dont know how to get the pixel data from the image.<br>I was trying using GDALImageReader class from imageio-ext-gdalerdasimg-1.1.1.jar but I dont know how use it, I would appreciate if somebody could give me a example or help.</div>
<p>Thankyou so much</p>
<p>Leidy Patricia Garzón Rodriguez</p></div>
<p>Soporte Técnico ERDAS Enterprise</p>
<p>Datum Ingeniería Ltda.</p>
<p>Teléfono: 57-1 7431989 Ext: 4006</p>
<p>Fax: 57-1 2228992</p>
<p>Dirección: Calle 43 67A-36 Piso 2</p>
<p>Bogotá - Colombia</p>
<p><a href="http://www.datuming.com/" target="_blank">www.datuming.com</a></p><br>