I am trying to read VPF files like VMAP0 and having some problems. Far as I can tell the only way to read VPF using gdal is to compile OGDI.<br><br>I compiled on Redhat EL version 5.6 64 bit, gcc 4.2.x<br>
When trying to run ogrinfo (pulled directly from examples). VMAP files are on<br>
my local box.<br>
ogrinfo gltp:/vrf/imagery/v0eur/vmaplv0/eurnasia 'watrcrsl@hydro(*)_line'<br>
I get the following error Parse_data_definition: malloc<br>
failed.Parse_data_definition: malloc failed.FAILURE:<br>
Unable to open datasource 'gltp:/vrf/imagery/v0eur/vmaplv0/eurnasia' with the<br>
following drivers:<br>
<list of drivers><br>
I followed the build instructions here: <a href="http://ogdi.sourceforge.net/build.html.">http://ogdi.sourceforge.net/build.html.</a><br><br>Has anyone else had success reading VPF files?<br>