I am able to get VPF (vector product format) info and perform operations (like convert to shape files) command line using ogrinfo and ogr2ogr. What I am wondering is if the java bindings for ogr support the same.<br><br>i.e. to get a list of layer names<br>
ogrinfo gltp:/vrf/usr4/mppl/v0eur/vmaplv0/eurnasia<br><br>Can I get a list of layer names using the java bindings?<br><br>i.e. convert to shape file<br>ogr2ogr watrcrsl.shp gltp:/vrf/usr4/mppl/v0eur/vmaplv0/eurnasia 'watrcrsl@hydro(*)_line' <br>
<br>Can I convert a VPF to a shapefile using the java bindings?<br><br>Thanks<br>