<p>I'm trying to build a mosaic, and I rely on the NoDataValue feature to treat some parts of the image as transparent.<br>
However, it appears that GDAL doesn't work as expected.</p>
<p>I also created a very simple test case using a vrt dataset and gdal_translate - and I get the same results (that is - the 2nd image draws over the 1st image, ignoring "transparent areas")</p>
<p>I have to 100X100 image files with a white marking (different in each file) over black background (black being exactly equal to 0)<br>
I built a simple vrt file:</p>
<p> <VRTDataset rasterXSize="100" rasterYSize="100"><br>
<VRTRasterBand dataType="Byte" band="1"><br>
<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">a1.tif</SourceFilename><br>
<SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="100" ySize="100"/><br>
<DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="100" ySize="100"/><br>
<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">a2.tif</SourceFilename><br>
<SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="100" ySize="100"/><br>
<DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="100" ySize="100"/><br>
and I run the command:</p>
<p> gdal_translate mosaic.vrt mosaic.tif</p>
<p>The result is identical to image `a2.tif`, instead of being a combination of `a1.tif` and `a2.tif`</p>
<p>I got the error using gdal 1.8 and 1.9</p>
<p>any ideas?</p>