<pre>>Effectively I use the libtiff 3.9.
>Now I update to libtiff 4.0.1.
>Recompile gdal and retry.
>Update also the call following your suggestions.
>and using the gdaladdo to produce the overviews.
>My new batch is a set of calls like this two:
>gdal_translate -ot Byte -of GTiff -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_nodata none -stats -co
>gdaladdo -r nearest output.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
>But again I'm having the same error in tiles creations.
</pre><br>Hi Frank,<br><br>I resolved it, using, in the gdal configuration, the Internal LibTiff ,<br><br>Infact, using the internal libtiff available in the gdal source the error I reported was disappeared.<br><br>I'm surprise that using the external LibTiff 4.0.1 in gdal compile there was this error.<br>
However the good news is that with the internal version of libtiff all work really well.<br><br>Thx again,<br><br>Andrea .<br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>-----------------<br>