Hi,<br><br>I need to make a mosaic with gdalwarp using a lot of large files (ASTER GDEM, Europe coverage). For this, I need the bigtiff support, but I'm not sure it is working properly.<br>Here is my work flow:<br><br>
# RES=0:00:01<br>RES=0.000278<br>BIGTIFF="-co BIGTIFF=YES"<br># GDAL cache in megabytes<br>CACHE="--config GDAL_CACHEMAX 8000 -wm 8000"<br><br>LIST=""<br>for i in `cat /home/leomarg/Desktop/aster/elenco_aster_europa_riga`;do LIST="$LIST $i"; done<br>
gdalwarp $CACHE $BIGTIFF -srcnodata -9999 -dstnodata -9999 -r bilinear -tr $RES $RES $LIST mosaik_$RES.tif<br><br>I get the following error:<br><br>[...]<br><br>ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nDstXSize=49460, nDstYSize=70144<br>
Processing input file ASTGTM_N55E011_dem_lzw.tif.<br>ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nDstXSize=49460, nDstYSize=70144<br>Processing input file ASTGTM_N55E012_dem_lzw.tif.<br>ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nDstXSize=49460, nDstYSize=70144<br>
More than 1000 errors or warnings have been reported. No more will be reported from now.<br><br>[...]<br><br>So, it looks like the bigtiff support is not working properly. I'm on Red Hat 64 bit and compiled gdal 1.9.1 from source, with the following configure:<br>
<br>./configure --with-libtiff=internal -with-geotiff=internal<br><br>What am I missing? And, how can I check if the bigtiff support is active in my gdal installation?<br><br>TIA,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Dr. Margherita Di Leo<br>