Hi friends,<br><br>I have a polygon shape file which is including district of the city<br>It is latitude longitude data. And I try to transform it into UTM data <br>Is it possible to do using gdal.<br>I have googled it some but I could not find appropriate way to do.<br>
<br>The example of the data as follows. <br>Thanks for help....<br><br>Murat<br><br><br>Shapefile Type: Polygon # of Shapes: 909<br><br>File Bounds: ( 25.667, 35.820,0,0)<br> to ( 44.869, 42.095,0,0)<br>
<br>Shape:0 (Polygon) nVertices=156, nParts=1<br> Bounds:( 34.833, 41.681, 0, 0)<br> to ( 35.213, 42.095, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.833, 41.691, 0, 0) Ring<br> ( 34.836, 41.702, 0, 0)<br>
( 34.838, 41.710, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.840, 41.719, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.842, 41.727, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.843, 41.736, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.845, 41.745, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.847, 41.753, 0, 0)<br>
( 34.851, 41.761, 0, 0)<br> ( 34.855, 41.770, 0, 0)<br><br> ogrinfo -al tr_ilce_siniri_dd.shp|more<br><br>OGRFeature(tr_ilce_siniri_dd):908<br> AREA (Real) = 0.013454<br> PERIMETER (Real) = 0.538581<br>
ILCEDD_ (Real) = 910<br> ILCEDD_ID (Real) = 931<br> ILCE_AD (String) = MARMARA<br> IL_KOD (Integer) = 10<br> IL_ADI (String) = BALIKESIR<br> POLYGON ((27.584554672241211 40.573818206787109,27.578886032104492 40.573699951171875,27.572929382324219 40.575611114501953,27.571149826049805 40.576972961425781,27.567972183227539 40.577934265136719,27.565275192260742 40.57794189453125,27.557207107543945 40.577068328857422,27.552865982055664 40.575958251953125,27.547388076782227 40.577339172363281,27.542625427246094 40.581424713134766,27.537281036376953 40.584625244140625,27.527751922607422 40.587604522705078,27.521244049072266 40.59442138671875,27.509946823120117 40.601016998291016,27.506982803344727 40.607612609863281,27.509469985961914 40.622554779052734,27.507785797119141 40.644989013671875,27.509929656982422 )<br>