Dear all,<br><br>I am using the python binding of GDAL for reading polygon shapefiles.<br><br>I have a polygon shapefile which contains the fire polygon and burned area, with typical fires burning on 10-100ha. <br>my model simulation result is based on 0.5degree X 0.5degree. So I need to extract from this shapefile on each gridcell<br>
of the 0.5d X 0.5 grid the information about like number of fires and mean fire size etc. <br><br>The approach I am thinking currently is to calculate the center of each of fire polygon, and check which 0.5d X 0.5d gridcell<br>
it falls in, then build a huge dictionary with key as the numpy index of the 0.5dX0.5d array, with the dictionary values as <br>the list(or array or pandas dataframe) which include the information of all the polygons falling within the the same grid cell.<br>
<br>I don't know if there is a better approach than this? I appreciate any comments.<br clear="all"><br>best regards,<br><br>Chao<br><br>-- <br><div>***********************************************************************************</div>
<div>Chao YUE<br>Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE-IPSL)<br>UMR 1572 CEA-CNRS-UVSQ<br>Batiment 712 - Pe 119<br>91191 GIF Sur YVETTE Cedex</div>
<div>Tel: (33) 01 69 08 29 02; Fax:<br></div>