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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Dear Sir/Madam,<br>
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I'm a student in HSR, Rapperswil and I am trying to clip a SQLite file<br>
I converted .osm.pbf file of liechtenstein to a .sqlite file, and then tried to clip it with the following codes, (is it
<font face="Courier New">-clipsrc</font> or <font face="Courier New">-clipdst</font><br>
<span lang="de-CH"><font color="black" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10pt"><font face="Courier New">ogr2ogr -f "SQLite"
</font></span></font></span><span lang="de-CH"><font color="black" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10pt"><font face="Courier New">liechtenstein.sqlite
</font></span></font></span><span lang="de-CH"><font color="black" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10pt"><font face="Courier New">liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbg -skipfailures -dsco SPATIALITE=yes -clipsrc 47.1386361 9.5231616 47.1404971
9.5266377 <br>
</font></span></font></span>Also, I tried to clip the map of Singapore but was unsuccessful, the following is the code
<span lang="de-CH"><font color="black" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span dir="ltr" style="font-size:10pt"><font face="Courier New">ogr2ogr -f "SQLite" singapore.sqlite malaysia-singapore-brunei-latest.osm.pbg -skipfailures -dsco -clipsrc singapore.geojson</font></span></font></span><br>
Do I have to convert to .shp file?<br>
Do you have any suggestions?<br>
Thank you!<br>
Hao Feng.<br>