<div dir="ltr">Hi Devs,<div><br></div><div>Tobias and I are working on the "ArcGIS REST API Connector Plugin" which reads WFS- and WMTS-alike services (called Feature Service and Map Service) from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server 10.x. Let's call this a connection of type "ArcGIS Layer", which creates a vector layer (in memory).</div>
<div><br></div><div>1. When entering a new WFS Layer connection and loading it as a new project layer, I know that the WFS URL is stored in the project file - and Username and Password (as hash?) also are stored there, right?</div>
<div><br></div><div>2. WFS can be deliver huge number of features. A WFS layer obviously reads all(!) features into memory when loading first time. Should'nt be there a limit "Max. no. features" per connection in the WFS connection (and in ours) in order to prevent memory overflow? (if this is considered a hack, a local indexed cache file would become necessary...).</div>
<div><br></div><div>3. Since WFS is a service, it can be updated anytime and the WFS layer in QGIS becomes outdated.Should'nt be there a "Refresh" button in the WFS layer (and in ours)?</div><div><br></div><div>
4. How can the QGIS project file be extended in order to a) store additional parameters - like this "Max. no. features" - per layer. And b): how can an own connection type - like ArcGIS Layer - be added to the project file, so that QGIS calls our plugin, when the project/layer is (re-)loaded?</div>
<div><br></div><div>5. WFS "only" supports basic authentication. How about NTLM [2] and OAuth?</div><div><br></div><div>Yours,</div><div>Stefan</div><div><br></div><div>[1]Â <a href="http://giswiki.hsr.ch/QGIS_ArcGIS_REST_API_Connector_Plugin">http://giswiki.hsr.ch/QGIS_ArcGIS_REST_API_Connector_Plugin</a></div>
<div>[2]Â <a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLM">http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLM</a></div><div><br></div></div>