<div dir="ltr">I am running gdal_translate to composite image tiles in a vrt and reduce the output image size. I ran it at outsize 50% 50% and received no warnings. When I bumped the outsize up to 75%, I got quite a few warnings like the one below. <br>
<div><br>Warning 1: Right position of the decoded area (region_x1=5120) is outside the image area (Xsiz=5000).<br><br>This one gave no warnings:<br>gdal_translate img_index.vrt mpls50.jp2 -outsize 50% 50% -of JP2OpenJPEG -co QUALITY=25 --config GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE 10<br>
<br>This one produced warnings<br>gdal_translate img_index.vrt mpls7575.jp2 -outsize 75% 75% -of JP2OpenJPEG -co QUALITY=75 --config GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE 10 <br><br></div><div>GDAL version is 1.10<br><br></div><div>
Any suggestions on how to avoid the warnings?<br><br></div><div>Thanks, <br><br></div><div>David.<br></div></div>