<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:verdana,sans-serif;font-size:small;color:rgb(0,0,0)">I know I'm not the first to post this topic and encountered this
problem. But I've search and read some posts related to this and tried
their solutions but no luck. I really can't figure out what is causing
this problem. How am I going to solve it?
Badly need help!<br><br>I have tried gdalwarp -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=100 -wo SAMPLE_GRID=YES and still no luck.
<br><br>Here are the info:
<br><br>gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf":37 hdf.tif
<br><br>Creating output file that is 783P x 697L.
<br>Processing input file HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf:37.
<br>ERROR 1: Too many points (440 out of 441) failed to transform,
<br>unable to compute output bounds.
<br>Warning 1: Unable to compute source region for output window 0,0,783,697, skipping.
<br>0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
<br><br><br><b>GDALINFO:</b><br><br>Driver: HDF4Image/HDF4 Dataset
<br>Files: A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf
<br>Size is 563, 880
<br>Coordinate System is `'
<br> bad_value_scaled=-32767
<br> bad_value_unscaled=-32767
<br> Calibration Data=A2014042042000.L1A_LAC.eAHAB.hdf, MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V6.1.17.19_OC.hdf, MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V6.1.1
<br>7.19_OC.hdf, MYD02_QA_LUTs.V6.1.17.19_OC.hdf
<br> cdm_data_type=swath
<br> Conventions=CF-1.6
<br> creator email=<a href="mailto:data@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov">data@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov</a>
<br> creator name=NASA/GSFC/OBPG
<br> creator url=<a href="http://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov" target="_top" rel="nofollow">http://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov</a><br> date_created=20140211T064516Z
<br> Day or Night=Day
<br> Earth-Sun Distance Correction=1.02664971351624
<br> Easternmost Longitude=136.7005615
<br> End Center Latitude=11.01664448
<br> End Center Longitude=131.961853
<br> End Day=42
<br> End Millisec=15905744
<br> End Node=Ascending
<br> End Time=2014042042505744
<br> End Year=2014
<br> Flag Percentages=0, 1.770345688, 0, 52.53552246, 57.10398483, 8.07766819, 0.434966892, 0, 29.46895599, 64.5276947, 0.0
<br>002018407686, 0.4016631842, 0, 0, 2.331059217, 0.0367350243, 0, 0, 0, 0.4466736615, 77.9515152, 0, 1.508356214, 0, 0, 1.
<br>087921858, 0, 72.44247437, 1.770345688, 6.767116547, 90.6432724, 0
<br> geospatial_lat_max=11.47631836
<br> geospatial_lat_min=2.273697615
<br> geospatial_lat_units=degrees_north
<br> geospatial_lon_max=136.7005615
<br> geospatial_lon_min=125.5854034
<br> geospatial_lon_units=degrees_east
<br><br> Latitude Units=degrees North
<br> license=<a href="http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/" target="_top" rel="nofollow">http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/</a><br> long_name=Chlorophyll Concentration, OC3 Algorithm
<br> Longitude Units=degrees East
<br> Lower Left Latitude=11.47631836
<br> Lower Left Longitude=135.0154266
<br> Lower Right Latitude=9.963588715
<br> Lower Right Longitude=125.5854034
<br> naming_authority=gov.nasa.gsfc.sci.oceandata
<br> Node Crossing Time=0000334000000
<br> Northernmost Latitude=11.47631836
<br> Number of Bands=16
<br> Number of Pixel Control Points=563
<br> Number of Scan Control Points=880
<br> Number of Scan Lines=880
<br> Orbit Node Longitude=-999
<br> Orbit Number=-1
<br> Pixels per Scan Line=563
<br> Scene Center Latitude=7.185176849
<br> Scene Center Longitude=132.8315887
<br> Scene Center Scan Line=440
<br> Scene Center Solar Zenith=26.09000015
<br> Scene Center Time=2014042042403706
<br> Sensor Name=HMODISA
<br><br> Upper Left Latitude=3.718107462
<br> Upper Left Longitude=136.7005615
<br> Upper Right Latitude=2.273697615
<br> Upper Right Longitude=127.4018173
<br> Westernmost Longitude=125.5854034
<br> LINE_STEP=1
<br> SRS=GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0
<br> X_BAND=1
<br> X_DATASET=HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf":11
<br> Y_BAND=1
<br> Y_DATASET=HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf":12
<br>Corner Coordinates:
<br>Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
<br>Lower Left ( 0.0, 880.0)
<br>Upper Right ( 563.0, 0.0)
<br>Lower Right ( 563.0, 880.0)
<br>Center ( 281.5, 440.0)
<br>Band 1 Block=563x880 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray