<div dir="ltr">Hi all,<div><br></div><div>Not being able to unset nodata values for datasets is tripping up GDAL users at work. I'm considering measures that require 1-bit internal masks (we're primarily using GeoTIFF) instead of nodata values because, unlike nodata, the masks can be "cleared" by setting them uniformly to True using the GDAL API (GDALFillRaster() specifically).</div><div><br></div><div>Background: the GeoTIFF driver's SetNoDataValue() method doesn't let us remove or set a null or empty nodata value or unset the bNoDataSet flag. Passing a value outside the range of values in the dataset can be problematic, especially for 8-bit data. Passing -inf, nan, or 256 to SetNoDataValue() has the same effect on derived masks as passing 0.</div><div><br></div><div>I'm looking for expert advice on consequences of using masks instead of nodata values. Are there features of GDAL that rely on nodata values and don't respond to masks? Are there adverse implications for interoperability? Would it be better to simply accept nodata values as being part of the structure of datasets, like tiling and interleaving, and immutable once set?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div></div>